SABINE FBX SOLO SL-610 Owner's Manual Page 10

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Q.Can I patch the SOLO SL-610 after the mixer and before the power amp, just like an
FBX-901 or 1802?
A. There are two reasons why this configuration won't work. First, you will have no way to
set the clip level of the SOLO. The SOLO SL-610 is designed to function as an insert
device -- you adjust the gain trim on the channel to match the clip level of the SOLO.
Second, the SOLO has only six FBX filters, which may not provide enough gain before
feedback for your entire mix.
Q.What is the best way to use the SOLO with a guitar amplifier?
A. To use the SL-610 with a guitar amplifier, the amplifier must be equipped with either an
INSERT POINT or PREAMP OUT/POWER AMP IN jacks. Connect the amplifier's
PREAMP OUT to the SL-610 INPUT, and the SL-610 OUTPUT to the amplifier's
POWER AMP INPUT. To use the SM-610 with an amplifier, connect the SM-610
OUTPUT to the instrument amplifier LOW GAIN or HIGH LEVEL input. (Use an input
that can handle
line level
input levels.)
Q.The CLIP LEVEL LEDs do not light. The unit will not catch feedback. Why?
A. The unit is not in the signal path. Check the connections.
Q.Why does one of the FILTER ACTIVITY LEDs blink?
A. The last filter to be automatically updated blinks. During normal operation, the blinking
will move from filter to filter as the SOLO finds new feedback points. This gives the user
a visual confirmation that the unit is functioning properly.
Q.Why would the FBX cause a noticeable hum?
A. It may hum if the system is improperly grounded. Check for bad grounds.
Q.Why does my system sound thin and muffled?
A. Place the SOLO in BYPASS MODE. If the system still sounds thin, your problem is
probably with improper use of a graphic EQ. If the problem exists only with the SOLO in
ACTIVE mode, verify the clip level setting, reinitialize the system and lock the fixed
Q.With the SL-610 in the insert point, I hear no audio. Why?
A. Your insert point may be wired opposite to the SOLO. Try reversing the tip and ring (in
and out) of your Y-cord. If you are using a single TRS cable, you will have to reconfigure
one end of it to conform to your mixer insert point.
Q.Will the SOLO eliminate feedback in both mains and monitors?
A. Yes, but you should only set fixed filters for either mains or monitors, not both. Choose
which system is more likely to have feedback, and follow the system initializing proce-
dure for either mains or monitors. During program, the dynamic filters will control
feedback for both mains and monitors if they are in use, but only on the input channel
the SOLO is patched into.
Q.The channel I have the SOLO in seems noisy. What can I do?
A. If the noise floor is too high, you need to readjust the gain structure of that channel.
Follow the SOLO initialization instructions in this guide.
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